Get Involved


Power Inside volunteers fill labor gaps for projects or tasks that use technical or administrative skills that are needed but unfunded. For example, volunteers conduct research, write reports and grants, input data, manage capacity building projects, host events and lectures, assist with donation drives, and ally with Power Inside on advocacy and public education. At times, volunteers provide direct client services such as facilitate support groups, tutor clients; provide health education, or assist us with other client programs.

Be a Resource

In addition to emotional support, Power Inside offers practical resources such as new underwear, bras, toiletries, sanitary supplies, school supplies, bus tokens, food, postage, educational and self-help books, clothing, reading glasses, etc. We appreciate donations of all of these items and any referrals to obtain goods and services that will directly support our work with women and families.

Become an Advocate

Our staff and volunteers contribute to local justice movements and collaborative efforts through advocacy, leadership development and public education.

 Contact us to Get Involved

If you would like to volunteer, would like a copy of our current wish list for a donation drive, or have a resource to offer please contact us.